Conversion to Academy Status - Consultation

(closing date for responses - 17th February 2017)


A letter to all parents and carers was sent out today (5th January 2017) explaining the Governors' proposal to convert Leominster Primary School to Academy status.  The purpose of this letter is to let you know that we are considering converting to an academy and joining the Mercian Educational Trust and to get your thoughts on the matter. The school governors are unanimously in favour of pursuing an application to convert and we have informed the Department for Education (DfE) accordingly. We have also informed the local authority of our plans.

Letters also went out to other stakeholders in the community and we welcome their views.

Please click on the link below to view the letter to parents and download the response form.  Any comments or views on this matter can be recorded on this form and posted in the 'Consultation' postbox in Reception. 

Consultation letter to parents 05.01.17

A meeting was held on Thursday 2nd February with parents who had expressed an interest on the feedback forms.  A copy of the presentation by Stuart Sewell, Principal of the Mercian Educational Trust is below.  A further general meeting for parents will be arranged shortly.

MET Presentation 02.02.17

Letter to parents - update on academy conversion process 14.02.17

** A further meeting for all parents will be held in the hall on Tuesday 28th February 2017 at 2pm.

Alternatively, we would welcome comments emailed to

To find out more about Mercian Educational Trust, please visit their website: