
Welcome to Leominster Primary School and Nursery

On behalf of all the children, staff and governors, we welcome you to Leominster Primary School and Nursery. We are a vibrant and inclusive school, rooted in our local community which celebrates all our pupils’ diverse backgrounds and talents.  

We are a three - form entry school and have developed a strong & caring whole school community, which has helped us go from strength to strength. Our thoughtful & supportive staff & governors ensure our children are at the centre of everything we do. We firmly believe a happy child is a successful one, & intend that all children should enjoy their learning, achieve their potential & become independent life-long learners. 

Our school building was opened in 2014 and was purpose built for the children of Leominster and the surrounding areas. It’s well designed, providing lots of light and space, with up-to-date modern facilities throughout, enabling children to work in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. At the heart of the school day is our exciting and engaging Learning Challenge Curriculum that is enriched by regular trips and visitors, as well as new technology.  

We are also fortunate enough to have extensive grounds with many outdoor learning opportunities. These include: forest school in our woodland area, a mud kitchen, excellent early years outdoor learning spaces, a vegetable garden, plenty of outdoor playground markings to support pupils in creative play & extensive sports ground facilities.  

We offer wrap around care which includes a breakfast club from 7:45am and an after- school club, finishing at 5:30pm. 

In 2023, Ofsted graded our school as good, with many outstanding features. Please click here to read the report.  

We hope that our website gives you an insight into the educational opportunities offered to our pupils and answers some of the questions that you may have as a parent or carer about your child’s life at school. We know that choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you make as a parent / carer and would strongly encourage you to come and visit us and see things for yourself. We would be happy to show you around, so please do contact the school to arrange your visit.   

 Headteachers –Mrs H Rees, Mrs H Lynch 


Our Vision and Values - HERE

Our Virtual tour!

Take a 360 degree tour of our school and see for yourself the wonderful learning environment we offer our pupils.

Click here to start the tour

 Facebook page - click on the logo!



Latest News

Latest Ofsted Report - Here

School Prospectus - Here

Latest Newsletter - HERE

Child Safety Online - Here

You can see all of our school newsletters here >


Remember to look on the Year Pages for more Upcoming Events

See all events >

Guidance Documents about Tests and Assessments for parents

Multiplication tables check information for parents -HERE

Information for Parents The engagement model - HERE

Information for parents reception baseline assessment - HERE

Phonics screening check 2023 -information for parents - HERE

Information for parents - 2023 national curriculum tests at the end of key stages 1 and 2 - HERE

After School Clubs

See full details >